The Capoeria List

Email: capoeiralist{/\T}znet{D0T}com
 Other Email: thecapoeiralist2{/\T)gmail{D0T}com
Facebook: /capoeira.list.35/
Twitter: @CapoeiraThe  

As a matter of policy, we do not give, require or accept any consideration for listing information. This includes both  money and favors such as trading links. Please do not ask. The Capoeira List is strictly a labor of love, created in gratitude for all that capoeira has given us.

Please contact us if you have information about capoeira groups, schools or classes in the English speaking world,

Please contact us if you have found a link to an online  resource that would be useful for English speaking capoeiristas.

Please contact us if  any information on our site needs correcting or updating; thank you so much.

Please contact us if you are trying to find a capoeira class  in your area;  we are always glad to help. 

Please contact us, if our website has helped you; we would love to hear about it.


  basic model for reporting  group information for a group with one instructor with classes at one or more locations.
 Anytown Capoeira
https:// www.anytowncapoeira.com
Mestra Brazila " Emily da Sa"
  Phone: 000-555-5555
  Email: anyhommen{D0T}capoeira{/\T}bigfoot{D0T}com
Anytown Gym
10 Main St,  Anytown, AS
Beginners: Mon, Wed, & Fri  7:00-8:30pm
Advanced:  Tues: 6:30-8:30pm; Thurs 7:30-9:30pm
Roda: 1st Sun 12:30pm
Red School of Dance
95 Elm St Anytown AS 00000-0000
Children(6-12): Sat 12:00-12:50pm

basic model or reporting  information for  a capoeira school  with multiple instructors
Anytown School of Capoeira
1104 Second St, Anytown, AS
Mestre Anyhommen " Robertson Santos"
http:// anytowncapoeira.edu
Phone: 000-999-1234
Adults: Mon - Fri 6:30-8:00am;  Mon - Fri 7:30- 9:30pm

Contra Mestra Pauline "Pauline Santos"
Children: Mon - Fri 3:45- 5:15pm
Family: Sat 10:00-11:45am