Ground Handling Carabiners
Tired of moving your biners from your flying harness to your training harness, and then back again?

      Put these inexpensive Ground Handling Carabiners on your training harness for good.

      These are the same carabiners we include with every Ground Handling Harness we sell.

             Price for a pair of Groung Handling Carabiners with shipping paid by us to anywhere in the USA and most of it's territories is ????  plus sales tax for CA orders.

                       Please E-mail us with your order, or if you are in another part of the world and would like a quote for shipping.

If you prefer to purchase within the eBay structure, please go to our eBay store Contraptioneering LLC.
Paypal is preferred for payment or we will except US Postal Money Order.

Disclaimer          If you don't have some experience, you can get hurt trying to teach yourself. Please don't try ground handling without having received the OK from an instructor or an experienced pilot.
         Protective head gear should be worn at all times when ground handling.
         These Ground Handling Carabiners are made with commercial grade material, and while perfectly capable of fulfilling their intended task of being ground handling carabiners, are not intended to be used for towing, or gentle glides on the bunny hill, or any other means of becoming airborne. Ground handling in winds greater than twelve mph or in gusty weather is dangerous and should not be attempted.