
     We've spent 50 years designing and building gadgets, or as our grandfather called it, "contraptioneering" . During that time, we have amassed a respectable array of welding and machining equipment for working with wood, metal, plastics, and heavy duty sewing, in 1400 sq.ft. of shop space.
     We've been involved in stock car and super modified auto racing, street rods, and airplane, helicopter and gyrocopter models for hobbies.
     Primary income through the years has been operating earth moving equipment, a job that will finally come to an end July 2005.
     Some years were spent operating a food processing and materials handeling machinery prototype fabrication shop.
     From time to time we have been approached by inventors to help them turn their idea into a working model. We find this work more rewarding than could be imagined, and have participated in several successful projects.
     If you've got an idea for something and building it exceeds your abilities or tools, we may be able to help you.
     We adhere to strict confidentiality, and work only by the hour. We have have no intrest in sharing the costs or rewards associated with your idea. Please contact us by E-mail to discuss your situation.