Battle Report 2, Turn 1

(May 2002)

( Note: the units that you can barely see at the extreme bottom edge of the photos are: Balthazar Gelt, an Empire Free Company detachment and the Empire swordsman regiment, which contains the Empire Army Standard.)

As a green horde poured into the valley, the hastily assembled Empire troops hurried into place. The orcish army was still trying to line themselves up when Balthazar gave the order to advance. Seize the initiative, he thought. The empire soldiers marched steadily forward, with parade ground precision, flags flying and perfect ranks.

Balthazar guided his pegasus in a long swoop, landing between the armies. It was a closely calculated risk. In the distance, he observed a cavorting mob of strange, exotic carnivores. Their vast jaws filled with long teeth, the blue-backed Squigs leaped with chaotic exuberance on long frog-like legs. Behind them strolled a Night Goblin marching band to herd them along. One of the herders waved a stick to which was strapped a live snotling, happily oblivious to its fate.

He mentally noted to obtain a Squig corpse after the battle, in order to examine its chemical composition.

To Balthazar's left loomed a countless mob of oversized orcs. If only their numbers would melt away…. He raised his staff languidly and the air between glistened, then flashed soundlessly. Molten silver began to pour down on the helpless regiment. An orc fell screaming while the rest dodged frantically. Balthazar shrugged. The day was young, and he was indomitable.

Then the air around him was lashed by projectiles whipping past, pounding into enemy ranks. Balthazar raised his head to better view the effects of his new gunpowder. A great cheer went up from human throats as half the greenskin army disappeared in a series of powerful explosions. But when the smoke cleared, virtually no enemy warriors had fallen.

Again Balthazar shrugged. At least now his artillery had the range. Soon the enemy would feel the discipline of Empire steel.


Cronhog's wizard was a sneaky goblin named Glich. He had gained notoriety during the Last Waaagh, but so far Cronhog had seen him do nothing impressive. As Cronhog's troops rumbled into position, Glich froze, his mouth sagged open, his bulging eyes rolled left and right. "What?" growled Cronhog.

Glich began stuttering incoherently, then finally managed, "Gelt." Cronhog laughed. Only a goblin would fear a human. The wrinkled little shaman scurried away, muttering something about dispell scrolls.

A series of booms jarred the air as Empire artillery opened up. Cronhog growled. He had not come here to get his head flattened like Crazy Pig. He roared commands, and the boyz lurched forward.

Then they glanced up as, far overhead, came a crazed shrieking and cackling. A goblin was hurtling through the air at amazing speed, strapped to some kind of glider. It passed overhead, then plummeted down with impressive force right into a clanking, armored contraption. A steam tank. The boyz shifted uneasily at the sight of the iron beast. Unfortunately, the doom diver seemed to have caused little damage.

Glich moved to his preferred location in battle - skulking well behind the lines. Contorting his face dramatically, he worked up a potent spell. But in the distance, the figure on the pegasus waved his hand dismissively. Glich's long face grew longer.



Continue to Turn 2

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