General Income Information
Income by Educational Attainment and Sex

General Income Information

Income MeasureIncome ($/yr)Year
Median Household34,100+-30011995
Median Household - CA (from Census Bureau)37,000+-70021995
Median Household - San Diego (from Labor Dept.)34,0001996
Median Family - CA (from FTB)40,7061995
Median Family - LA County (from FTB)36,5411995
Median Male Fulltime Worker31,500+-20011995
Median Female Fulltime Worker22,500+-20011995
Average Annual Pay - US27,90031996?
Average Annual Pay - US26,3631993
Average Annual Pay - CA29,4681993
Per Capita - US24,2311996
Per Capita - CA25,1441996
Per Capita - Washington, D.C.34,9321996
Per Capita - CT (top state)33,1891996
Per Capita - MI (bottom state)17,4711996

 1 The uncertainties are 90% confidence intervals.
 2 The uncertainties are "standard errors".
 3 Source: Business Software Alliance, as reported in Computerlink, SDUT 6/10/97, 22.

Sources: Census Bureau; AP, in NCT, 4/29/97, D2; California Almanac 1995, 108, 109.

1995 Income Information by Educational Attainment and Sex for Fulltime Workers Age 18 and Over

Before taking these figures too seriously, note that there are several factors which reduce, but do not eliminate, the actual increased income due to education:

In support of the following figures, it is almost impossible to work as, and earn the incomes of, a doctor or a lawyer without a professional degree.

The following earnings are mean earnings, not medians, so are higher than the median worker earns.

 Mean Income ($/yr)
EducationBoth sexesMalesFemales
Not high school graduate20,44222,45416,049
High School graduate27,03831,06321,298
Some college, no degree31,12836,54623,298
Associate's degree33,42537,62828,510
Bachelor's degree44,52351,99833,665
Master's degree55,38464,54441,676
Professional Degree98,197111,65459,793

Source: Census Bureau, in LAT, 8/27/97, B2.

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Copyright © 1997 by Tom Chester.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to me at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 31 August 1997.