Explanation of Region Maps

The roads have been digitized by me from the USGS maps, and so don't follow every nuance of each road. I've only plotted the minor roads which lead to trailheads. In some cases, the minor road continues on past the trailhead shown.

The axes are north latitude and west longitude in degrees. Note that USGS maps for the U.S. plot east longitude which is (360° - west longitude). I use west longitude so that my spreadsheet would plot the roads with west on the left.

The maps are not true-scale maps since north-south distances are slightly different from east-west distances. You can figure out the scale by noting that one tic mark (0.1°) of latitude is 11 km = 6.9 miles, and one tick mark (0.2°) of longitude is 18 km = 11.5 miles. Note that the tick marks will span different numbers of pixels for each regional map, since the scales had to be changed to best fit in all the information. As an example, one tick mark spans 56 pixels in latitude and 73 pixels in longitude for the nw region, making the scales 0.12 miles per pixel in latitude and 0.16 in longitude. The difference in scales is thus about 25% for that region.

I have tried not to block any of the crash sites or waterfall locations with any of the labels. A plot without labels is always available for each of the regions from the link under the initial map.

I will post the digital data for all plotted items separately someday for those who would like to have them.

Map legend:

Blue crosses inside squaresTrailheads
Yellow boxes with numbersThese identify the hike number that goes with the trailhead shown with the neighboring blue cross
Green boxes with numbersThese identify trailheads from another hiking region (not clickable)
Blue-green filled trianglesWaterfall locations
Open green squaresSites of airplane crashes with remaining wreckage, accurate to 1' (~0.017° ~ 1 mile), courtesy of Chris Killian
Blue LinesPeripheral Roads and Freeways
Red lineAngeles Crest Highway
Greenish curvy linesMajor Forest Roads
Light gray linesMinor Forest Roads
Black solid linesCity streets
Black dashed linesHiking routes (trails or fire roads) which have an online guide from Jane or me.

See also a complete tutorial explaining the maps in more detail.

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Copyright © 1997-1999 by Tom Chester.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to me at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 10 December 1999.