Links to:
Mexican Hairless
pila dog
The gene
Ancient dogs
Elephant Dog
Genetic Registry
Genetic Registry for Hairless Dogs
On Xolo and Mexican Hairless
I have had Xolos for almost 20 years, and I have learned quite a bit about these wonderful dogs.
One of the things I know now, is that what we call Xolo today is really several varieties of dogs.
In the 1970's and early 1980's a registry existed, that divided them into types and sizes and kept each category a separate breeding gene pool. Then in the late 1980's another registry threw them all into one gene pool as Xolos of three sizes.
Neither way is right for these dogs.
Trying to divide a small gene pool into tinier parts not only damages the dogs, but lumping them all into one set is not fair to the types that do not compare well under a standard intended for only one type.
Historically there have always been several types of hairless dogs, including the coated members of the groups. The most common is the Mexican Hairless. These small dogs are assumably the original hairless types in Mexico, as demonstrated by the Colima pottery.
The hairless types discussed here are:
Mexican Hairless
more pila
Peruvian Inca Orchid
Elephant Dog
Ancient Hairless Types
What is 'normal'?
Recessive and dominant traits
Wild Card Red Hair
Genetic Registry
Sample pedigree and registration
Mexican Hairless - the most common hairless, known from Colima pottery
Pokey and Steinbeck are less than 9 pounds, 'cubby' bodied, and have curly tails. they have hair on the top of their head and on the end of their tails.
The hair should only be short on Mexican Hairless and Xolo types.
Their personalities are slightly terrier like.
Mexican Hairless have a diverse gene pool which keeps them healthy, but means that there will be a lot of variety in litters.
This type has a preponderance of dominant hairlessness, but also has some recessive hairlessness.
Another type of Xolo is the pila.